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    News Recap: Week of May 22

    By |2023-05-26T11:51:34-04:00Friday, May 26, 2023|

    Across the country, state Medicaid programs are redetermining the eligibility of an estimated 90 million beneficiaries. As experts predicted, new data from the states who have begun the redetermination process

      News Recap: Week of May 8

      By |2023-05-12T15:43:42-04:00Friday, May 12, 2023|

      Under legislation passed by House Republicans last week, able-bodied adults ages 19 to 55 who don’t have children or other dependents would be required to work in exchange for enrollment

        News Recap: Week of April 17

        By |2023-04-24T11:19:33-04:00Monday, April 24, 2023|

        Now that the Medicaid continuous coverage provision has come to an end and redeterminations have resumed, states are now faced with the daunting administrative undertaking of checking whether all the

          News Recap: Week of April 10

          By |2023-04-17T09:05:23-04:00Monday, April 17, 2023|

          On April 1, the Medicaid continuous coverage provision officially came to an end after three years. This provision was put in place through the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA),

            News Recap: Week of April 3

            By |2023-04-07T14:12:04-04:00Friday, April 7, 2023|

            As of last Saturday, state agencies were allowed to begin removing people from Medicaid who no longer qualify for the program – something they have been barred from doing since