
Coverage Start Date Explained

By |2020-06-19T11:04:31-04:00Friday, November 14, 2014|

Basic Explanation You’ve pressed Send on your health insurance enrollment application and paid your premium. Now you’re covered, right? Maybe, maybe not. Your health insurance coverage start date—also called your

Exemptions Explained

By |2020-06-19T11:14:04-04:00Friday, November 14, 2014|

A Basic Explanation Under the Affordable Care Act, many Americans who don’t have health insurance that qualifies as minimum essential coverage will have to pay a penalty. However, some situations,

Catastrophic Plans Explained

By |2019-04-11T10:49:42-04:00Thursday, November 13, 2014|

A Basic Explanation Catastrophic coverage is health insurance that primarily protects you from medical bankruptcy if you suffer a serious accident or illness. It's the least generous type of health